I went on the first Pink Box Purpose Mission trip in June of 2017. I remember the day I was “called”. We were at church cutting pads and helping to get everything ready for the upcoming trip. I was ironing fabric when I had the overwhelming sense that I was supposed to go. I went in the bathroom, splashed cold water on my face trying to get rid of the cold sweat I now had covering me and asked God if he was sure he was talking to ME. After giving it a few minutes I went back and told Jenni and Heather that I would go if they needed me. I could sew and they needed a sewer to teach the Honduran women.
I had been on 12 mission trips but this one was so different. This one was for the ladies. They were so excited when we arrived and had a room already for us to set up in. We laid out all of the bright, beautiful fabric and tried to get organized but these gals were there to SEW! So, one by one, Deb and I worked our way through the line of women, letting them get their hands on the sewing machine, learn to run the foot pedal and to sew a straight line. There is much to say about this, some waited patiently, some impatiently, so many errors and laughs, hugs and words of encouragement and discouragement in languages neither of us could understand except by intonation and facial expressions. It was truly one of the funnest days of my life.
I looked over these women, wondering who would be called to stay with this ministry, who would rise up to be leaders and teachers, who would cut fabric perfectly and who would sew. They, and God, would sort that out.
My favorite lady was Nellie. I’ve included a picture of her. Nellie wanted so badly to sew but she had so much trouble. I remember stopping her, holding her hands, and telling her she was special (the words God kept putting in my mind over and over) taking some deep breaths and getting Nellie to sew with a new confidence.

There are so many stories that go along with this trip. Anyone who goes will learn and grow in unimaginable ways. Spending time with Honduran women is a special thing that I wish we could all experience. They are so like us and so unlike us.

The donkey. Well, he is a symbol of an ex-boyfriend one of the girls had on this trip, and a reminder to not waste time on something or someone that isn’t Godly because we don’t want or need that in our lives anyway. Spend time on Godly things that will last. Pink Box Purpose has lasted through ups and downs. So many girls have had their lives changed because a group of excited women learned to sew.
CHARL DRAXLER, a humble sewer
*Charl Draxler joined us on our first mission trip in 2017 to establish our Hygiene Headquarters in Honduras! Words cannot express how grateful we are to her for saying "YES!" to God's calling!